Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Grinding Time Away. Plus Author Photo

Every unpublished novelist knows how slowly the wheels of publishing turn when you're waiting to hear about a submission. I surely was in that boat for years as I sent out submissions, and they boomeranged back after a few months. Now, as I wait for the wheels of the publishing machine to turn for my own book, I realize that waiting is part and parcel of this side of the industry, as well. Sigh. Patience is not one of my virtues.

One bit of good news: Harper has asked for an author photo for their catalog, which I'm guessing means that they really are going to publish SOUL ENCHILADA. We took the photo with the middle one's new camera, and I worked some PhotoShop magic to make myself look better--it wasn't easy, I tell you what. We'll see the results when the Winter '09 catalog comes out.

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